Association of Social Therapeutic Horticulture
Facilitators in Ireland
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Focus Days
These are the days with a National or International Focus related to Nature.
Artichoke & Asparagus Month
01 - Green New Year's Resolution
04 - Free Flower Basket Day
06 - Apple Tree Day & Bean Day
07 - National Play Outside Day
09 - National Apricot Day
10 - Houseplant Appreciation Day
21 - National Squirrel
Appreciation Day
29 - National Carnation Day &
National Seed Swap Day
31 - International Zebra Day
Exotic Vegetables & Potato Lovers Month
02 - World Wetlands Day
05 - National Primrose Day
07 - Rose Day
14 - World Bonobo Day
15 - World Hippopotamus Day
27 - International Polar Bear Day
28 - Floral Design Day
The Month of Gardening, Nature, Flowers, Celery, Nutrition and Ecology Books
03 - World Wildlife Day &
Peach Blossom Day
07 - Plant Power Day
11 - Johnny Appleseed Day
12 - Plant A Flower Day
14 - Action for Rivers Day
18 - Global Recycling Day
20 - World Sparrow Day &
International Earth Day
21 - International Day of Forests &
National Flower Day
22 - World Water Day & National
Agriculture Day
26 - Spinach Day
4th week March = Tree planting week
The Month of Gardens & Landscape Architecture
03 - World Aquatic Animal Day
05 - National Dandelion Day
06 - California Poppy Day
13 - Plant Appreciation Day
14 - National Gardening Day
17 - Herbalist Day
22 - Earth Day
29 - Arbor Day & Peace Rose Day
30 - Celebrate the Trees Day
The Month of Gardening for Wildlife, Gifts of the Garden and Salad
01 - May Day
03 - Garden Meditation Day
06 - National Public Gardens Day
07 - National Herb Day
08 - Iris Day
13 - Tulip Day
15 - Bring Flowers to Someone Day
16 - Love A Tree Day
18 - Fascination of Plants Day
19 - Plant Something Day
20 - World Bee Day & Flower Day
21 - Plant a Lemon Tree Day
22 - Biological Diversity Day
24 - European Day of Parks
29 - Composting Day
30 - Water a Flower Day
31 - World NO Tobacco Day
First Saturday in May = Naked Gardening Day
The Month of Fresh Fruits & Veggies, Roses & Perennial Gardening
04 - National Hug Your Cat Day
05 - World Environment Day
06 - Gardening Exercise Day
08 - World Oceans Day
10 - Herbs & Spices Day
12 - Red Rose Day
13 - Weed Your Garden Day
15 - Global Wind Day
16 - Fresh Veggies Day
17 - Eat All Your Veggies Day
22 - World Rainforest Day
The Month of Smart Irrigation, Water Gardening & Being in the Outdoors
10 - Pick Blueberries Day
15 - National Cow Appreciation Day
27 - Take Your Houseplant for a
Walk Day
28 - World Nature Conservation Day
29 - International Tiger Day
Tree Check Month, and the Month of Cactus, Celery, Fennel, Mushrooms & Onions
03 - Watermelon Day
06 - Farmworker Appreciation Day
08 - Sneak Some Zucchini to your
Neighbour's Porch Day
12 - World Elephant Day
20 - World Honey Bee Day
26 - World Daffodil Day
29 - More Herbs & Less Salt Day
The Month of Organic Harvesting, Fruits & Veggies
07 - International Day of Clean Air
10 - Farmers Consumer Awareness
16 - Day of the Preservation of the
Ozone Layer
18 - Bamboo Day
22 - World Car Free Day
26 - Johnny Appleseed Day
(also in March)
Farm to School Month, Eat Better & Eat Together Month and Energy Awareness Month
01 - World Vegetarian Day
03 - Flower Day
04 - World Animal Day
12 - Old Farmers Day
22 - World Planting Day
24 - International Day of
Climate Action
Vegan and Good Nutrition Month
01 - World Vegan Day
10 - Forget-Me-Not Day
Tropical Fruits and Root Vegetable Month
01 - Eat a Red Apple Day
05 - World Soil Day
11 - International Mountain Day
12 - Poinsettia Day
19 - Holly Day &
Look for an Evergreen Day