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ASTHFI approved as a relevant organisation for garda vetting of registered members


Nourishing an organization requires continuous growth and improvement, particularly when it comes to working alongside best practices in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. That's why we are thrilled to announce that the Association of Social and Therapeutic Horticulture Facilitators of Ireland (ASTHFI) has been approved as a 'relevant organisation.'

Being recognised as a relevant organisation means that the National Vetting Bureau can now process Garda Vetting applications for our ASTHFI registered members. This ensures that those who work with children or vulnerable adults are properly vetted and cleared to do so. This is a crucial step in ensuring that we are providing safe and secure environments for those who need them most.

Children engaging in a nature-based lesson. Image from Wix.

At ASTHFI, we are passionate about good practices and are dedicated to upholding the highest standards in our field. We believe that every individual deserves the opportunity to thrive in a nurturing, supportive and safe environment. In addition to providing this service as a relevant organisation, our guiding principles are underpinned by Children First: National Guidance for the protection and Welfare of Children, Tulsa’s Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, procedure and practice, the United nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and current legislation such as Children First Act 2015, Child Care Act 1991, Protections for Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act 1998 and the National Vetting Bureau Act 2012. We also strongly recommend that our registered members complete the Children First e-learning programme, delivered by TUSLA.

Looking forward to the future, we are honoured to have been recognised as a relevant organisation and are excited about the opportunities this recognition brings.

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